Everything is in an adult way. In Podolsk, the Volleyball Spartakiad started: News: Sports

Everything is in an adult way. In Podolsk, the Volleyball Spartakiad started: News: Sports post thumbnail image

Participants – school teams. That's just at the competitions the rules are not children's, but Olympic. The losers are immediately left. After all, at the stake of the regional stage and honor to represent your city. Competitions in Sport Service will last three days. Who are the leaders and when the winners become known?

Everything is in an adult way. The Volleyball Spartakiad started in Podolsk

Participants – school teams. That's just at the competitions the rules are not children's, but Olympic. The losers are immediately left. After all, at the stake of the regional stage and honor to represent your city. Competitions in Sport Service will last three days. Who are the leaders and when the winners become known?

Daniil Yamanov from the Lviv school No. 4 is no longer a beginner, but not yet a professional volleyball player. This sport has been engaged in only three years. Of the achievements – the first places in school tournaments. Recognizes: the game for him as a favorite hobby. After all, a volleyball ball and a grid since childhood occupied its evenings.

– In our yard a mesh appeared. Sand brought. And somehow I started playing volleyball, I liked it so much. And they called me to play. Just for the soul, as it were, a hobby. A very good sport. Very interesting– admits Daniil Yamanov, volleyball player.

For the same as Daniil Yamanov, volleyball players, amateurs, competitions in the “Sport Service” were launched as part of the 59 complex sportsarde among the school teams of the district. A total of 46 teams of boys and girls from 13 to 18 years old. Simplified rules – 3 parties up to 15 points. And the losing team is immediately dropped out. Therefore, players invested all their strength.

In the city district of Podolsk, competitions are already 8 times. The winners are taken away at the regional stage. Last year, 32 school showed the best result. They took 2nd place in the suburbs. And in this, many players gained experience and seriously approached the preparation for the Spartakiad.

– Compared to last year, we can say that the level of the guys has grown. Because many guys who have already been engaged, last year, could not participate by virtue of their age. This year they will already be allowed. Accordingly, they have grown over the year. Physically strengthened. Therefore, the teams became much stronger and much stronger confrontation– concludes Sergey Savelyev, representative of the Education Committee G.O. Podolsk.

Competitions will last three days. Today the strongest team of Lyceum No. 1 from the village has become the strongest. Lviv. And the winner will be determined on November 28. The regional stage of the Spartakiad is scheduled for February 2020.

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