TOP-70 best books on marketing, advertising and sales

Collected the best marketing books, advertising, PR, sales and business. References for promotion from the cauldron to the latest research on SEO and SMM

Marketing books: TOP-70 (for beginners and pro)

Not so long ago, I was looking for marketing books for myself – I got carried away and gathered a whole universal small library. I want to share a selection with you. There are books for both novice specialists and professionals interested in deepening knowledge and mastering new skills.

Basics of marketing

It is very important for beginner marketers to know the base. Repetition of the foundations for those who have already studied them, by the way, is also not superfluous. Therefore, I propose to get acquainted with books from the list below (especially for beginners, of course).

  • “The basics of marketing. Short course ”, Philip Kotler;
  • “The conversion of the site. We turn visitors into buyers ”, Ben Khan;
  • “SEO. The art of promotion of sites ”, Eric Anga, Stefan Spencer, Rand Fishkin, Jesse Stricchiola;
  • “Marketing without a diploma. Simple and practical, ”John Yang;
  • “Marketing based on data. 15 key indicators that everyone should know ”, Mark Jeffrey;
  • “New marketing rules and PR. How to use social networks, blogs, podcasts and viral marketing for direct contact with the buyer ”, David Mirman Scott;
  • “The power of simplicity”, Jack Traut.

1. “Fundamentals of marketing. Short course , Philip Kotler

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The basics of marketing will not allow beginners to drown in the sea of ​​information. The classic textbook collects the most necessary: ​​assessment of the needs of a potential buyer, direct, market analysis, product testing, determining the value of goods, advertising principles.

“Products are, in fact, sets of properties, and people opt for those products that provide them with the best set of benefits for their money.”

2. “The conversion of the site. We turn visitors into buyers ”, Ben Hunt

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Strive to optimize Internet projects and go to a new level of return? Ben Hunt emphasizes the attention of random visitors and turning them into regular customers. The publication contains the best life hacks from marketers, detailed cases for optimizing the pages of the site.

“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next right moment is now. ”

3. “SEO. The art of website promotion ”, Eric Anga, Stefan Spencer, Rand Fishkin, Jesse Stricchiola

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The leadership of Internet resources is focused on specialists involved in SEO optimization, and entrepreneurs who want to control the work of hired employees. Detailed instructions describe the principle of operation of search engines, teach to create content, collect the statistics of the site.

“When you learn how your target market is looking for your services, goods and resources, then you can more effectively establish contact with these users and hold them.”

4. “Marketing without a diploma.Simple and practical, John Yangch

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The book teaches you to correctly choose online tools for promoting business. Due to the fact that John Yangch reinforces the thesis with examples, you can easily put them in practice.

“A strategy without tactics is the slowest way to victory. Tactics without a strategy are just fuss before lesion. ”

5. “Marketing based on data. 15 key indicators that everyone should know ”, Mark Jeffrey

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Have you set a goal to learn how to work with data and speak freely in the language of financial analytics? Mark Jeffrey will tell you how to assess the situation and make forecasts based on key indicators collected on the Internet.

“Price competition often becomes a game in which all participants lose, because profitability is reduced.”

6. “New Marketing Rules and PR”, David Mirman Scott

twenty marketing books

The book is required to read people who promote a personal brand on the network. She teaches to use the potential of free Internet channels, look for a target audience, draw up an advertising strategy, build work with social networks.

“Marketing tools and PR have changed. Those who owned invasion and coercion skills sought their offline. Online success depends on the ability to think as a journalist and as an intellectual leader. ”

7. “The power of simplicity”, Jack Trout

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To regain control of business, you need to clear the brain of information garbage and stop complicating everything. Based on examples from life, Jack Traut writes about methods for putting in order of all areas of marketing – from positioning in the market to encouraging employees.

Buyers are sure if the company specializes in the product, it turns out better..


Digital-Marketing involves promoting services and goods using digital technologies. Let's look at books on this topic:

  • “Internet marketing in science”, Dan Zerellla;
  • “Selling content. How to knit content marketing, SEO and social networks in a single system ”, Lee Odden;
  • Internet Marketing. Digital Marquetologist Hand Book, Andrey Gavrikov, Vladimir Davydov, Mikhail Fedorov;
  • “Web analytics 2.0 in practice”, Avinash jacket;
  • “Content marketing management”, Robert Rose, Joe Pulizi;
  • “Advertising under cover. Native advertising, content marketing and secret world of promotion on the Internet ”, Mara Einstein;
  • “Contextual advertising that works. Google AdWords Bible, Perry Marshall, Brian Todd.

1. “Internet marketing in science”, Dan Zerellla

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There are marketing strategies based on statistics. The author showed the results of his research using knowledge from social psychology, mathematics and other sciences. This publication about the Internet marketing will be useful to people who love numbers and are ready to trust only facts.

“The tweets, who were sent closer to the end of the week, received more clicks than those that appeared from Monday on Wednesday.”

2. “Selling content.How to tie content marketing, SEO and social networks in a single system ”, Lee Odden

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Material for promoting a company on the Internet using content marketing techniques. Lee Odden describes the varieties of posts, the principle of setting goals, methods of rational use of digital tools online. From this book you will learn how to combine content, media and search optimization to achieve the best results.

“In particular, information about competition in the market, customer needs and resources of the company can be used to improve content, work on the network, analysis and promotion of sales.”

3. “Internet marketing. Digital Marketologist Hand Book, Andrey Gavrikov, Vladimir Davydov, Mikhail Fedorov

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Digital marketing is not limited to standard methods for promoting the site on the Internet. You will learn about the rational use of innovation, stop being afraid of experimenting, learn to change tactics depending on the results achieved. And most importantly – overtake competitors and take a leading position.

“Clients have become more demanding and educated, new technologies have appeared, more competitors have become more and it became clear that now business needs an electronic marketing system, not a magic tablet or a single action to stimulate the Internet demand.”

4. “Web analytics 2.0 in practice”, Avinash jacket

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Avinash Koshik is an analyst at Google, participant in international conferences, author of the famous Blog OCCAMS RAZOR. In the book, he tells how to find and correct mistakes in a marketing strategy. Also there you can find a description of the best ways to collect data necessary for conducting data analytics on sites, blogs, social networks and other Internet resources.

“In order to decide how best to use the data, you need to understand how any fragment was collected.”

5. “Content Marketing”, Robert Rose, Joe Pulizi

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The author of the book Joe Pulizi founded the famous online school of Content Marketing Institute. Under his leadership, you will allocate resources for advertising the company's services on the Internet, learn a lot about the setting of business targets and put in order marketing reports.

“Good content marketing exists. This is a story that you tell people. She occupies their thoughts and causes emotions. ”

6. “Advertising under cover. Native advertising, content marketing and secret world of promotion on the Internet ”, Mara Einstein

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Consumers do not like aggressive techniques of Internet marketing, so they try to avoid viewing advertising: for example, they block the pop-up windows of the browser. But people willingly show each other interesting videos, articles, photos. Want to create an advertisement without obvious commercial background? On the pages of the publication there is a detailed theory and the best cases ready for use.

“… We encourage friends and relatives to watch a video, buy a product or like a page.And because the recommendation comes from a verified and trusted source, friends and family are more likely to take note of it. This is what word of mouth marketing looks like…”

7. “Context advertising that works. The Google AdWords Bible, Perry Marshall, Brian Todd

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This tutorial describes the best principles for creating an effective Google AdWords campaign. The authors remind: contextual advertising brings passive income. This can be verified by using advanced online tools from Google. You will be able to create advertisements that attract customers, analyze business performance, select keywords in accordance with the requirements of search engines.

“We are all drawn to simple, articulate messages. Create your own and it will become your irresistible verbal calling card.”

SMM promotion

Social Media Marketing is the promotion of a company in a specific social network, for example, on Instagram. Below is a list of books for immersion in the topic, and then I will talk about them in more detail:

  • “Hard SMM. Get the most out of social media”, Dan Kennedy, Kim Welsh Phillips;
  • YouTube for Business by Mike Miller;
  • “Marketing in social networks”, Damir Khalilov;
  • “How to make money on Instagram”, Daria Manelova;
  • “Targeted advertising. Exactly in the bull's-eye”, Sergey Shcherbakov;
  • “VKontakte business promotion: a systematic approach”, Dmitry Rumyantsev;
  • Like Me: The Gratitude Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk.

1. “Hard SMM. Getting the most out of social media, Dan Kennedy, Kim Welsh Phillips

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According to multimillionaire Dan Kennedy, in good SMM there is no counting of likes and other metrics. You will learn how to start making money on social networks, stop wasting your advertising budget and grow your audience. Rigid SMM changes the idea of ​​the company's promotion, eliminates illusions and leads to success.

“Don't rush into promotion until you're really good. Otherwise, the world will simply learn faster that there is nothing special about you.”

2. YouTube for Business by Mike Miller

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YouTube is used by millions of people every day. Do you want to make this Internet resource an active promotion tool? Then use the detailed instructions described on the pages of the book. Promotion through YouTube is suitable for a company of any size and does not require significant expenses.

“Not surprisingly, YouTube is replacing traditional TV viewing for many users. According to Google, the average YouTube viewer spends 164 minutes a day online. A traditional television viewer watches it for an average of 130 minutes. Where would you prefer to place your marketing message?”

3. “How to make money on Instagram”, Daria Manelova

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Recently, organizations have been contracting more with bloggers. How can a marketer maintain a page, brand posts, set up advertising on the Internet and look for buyers to get a good income? Answers will be given by Daria Manelova on the pages of her book.

“How to make a content plan? You need to post on Instagram regularly. The optimal number of posts for expert blogs and small shops is one post per day.”

4. “Targeted advertising. Exactly in the bull's-eye”, Sergey Shcherbakov

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A detailed manual required reading for marketers setting up ads for the target audience. You will learn the best tricks and life hacks to attract customers online, increase product awareness and increase traffic through targeted advertising.

“But this is where setting up targeted advertising begins – with building hypotheses about the segments of the target audience (hypotheses, because until they bring money, we cannot be sure of the correctness of our choice).”

5. “VKontakte business promotion: a systematic approach”, Dmitry Rumyantsev

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The presentation of goods and services is based not only on content. Dmitry Rumyantsev has collected for you the best online tools for complex promotion of the company in the social network Vkontakte. Experienced businessmen and beginners who do not yet have a website can use the described methods.

“Systematic work on promotion is always work on large sample sizes. Remember this idea!”

6. Like Me: The Gratitude Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk

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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serious entrepreneur, his text is written as informative as possible and without water. The pages of the publication show a fundamentally new marketing approach to channel promotion – Economy of Gratitude. Its effectiveness is confirmed by cases of organizations of different levels.

“In the end, people always win who understand that each train of change is one of a kind, and only by jumping on its bandwagon can you overtake those who are afraid to take risks. And who did not have time, he was hopelessly late.


The ability to write sales texts is an indispensable skill in marketing and sales. The following books will help you improve your skills:

  • “Business copywriting. How to write serious texts for serious people”, Denis Kaplunov;
  • “Write, cut”, Maxim Ilyakhov, Lyudmila Sarycheva;
  • “Copywriting: how not to eat a dog”, Dmitry Kot;
  • “Perfect Landing Page. We create selling web pages”, Anton Petrochenkov;
  • “SEO copywriting: How to tame a search engine”, Ingate Agency;
  • Genius to order, Mark Levy;
  • “How to write sales texts. Commercial offers that bring millions”, Andrey Parabellum, Nikolay Mrochkovsky;
  • “The language of writing. How to write copy that sells and letters that read”, Allan and Barbara Pease.

1. “Business copywriting. How to write serious texts for serious people”, Denis Kaplunov

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The publication will teach you how to create charismatic selling texts. Denis Kaplunov calls for a firm “no” to faceless, boring and cumbersome content. Only live and informative articles should be posted on the Internet – the book is full of recommendations on how to do this.

“Representing the benefit in the present is not a probability or an attempt to predict the future, but a real statement of fact that indicates your confidence in the benefits of your offer.”

2. “Write, shorten”, Maxim Ilyakhov, Lyudmila Sarycheva

twenty-three marketing books

This is the real bible of information style copywriters and marketers. Maxim Ilyakhov, creator of the Glavred service and editor-in-chief of Tinkoff-Journal, explains the principles of writing a strong text without water, stop words, verbal garbage. The motto of the manual is truth and objectivity.

“Tell the truth, even if it's uncomfortable. Provide facts and evidence. Tell stories and give examples. Write short. Write for the benefit of others. Write for yourself.

3. “Copywriting: how not to eat a dog”, Dmitry Kot

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The pages of the publication tell you how to write sales texts. It is analyzed in detail how to create a catchy headline, build structures, taking into account possible objections of the client. Dmitry Kot shares secrets that allow you to raise the price higher than that of competitors, but at the same time not lose your audience on the Internet and offline.

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